måndag 18 augusti 2014

Israellobbyns anklagelser om antisemitism är systematisk.


Det spelar ingen roll vad du säger. Kritiserar du Israel på något sätt, eller ens försöker arbeta för fred i Mellanöstern genom att försöka tala med båda sidor i konflikten kommer anklagelser om antisemitism som ett brev på posten. Oavsett om anklagaren är en okunnig ledarskribent,  en sverigedemokrat från Pajala eller en kristdemokratisk missionsförbundare från Källeryd bygger påhoppen ytterst på en argumentation med religiösa rötter vilken den  den Israeliska säkerhetstjänst och andra har slipat vidare på till en samordnad propagandaattack som framgångsrikt kablas ut i TV-program och diskussionsjajter . En som fått smaka på denna medicin är Irlands president Michael D. Higgins. Han har dock vett att både spotta ut istället för att svälja och att vältaligt och engagerat bemöta anklagelserna.

Här ett utdrag från ett samtal med en amerikansk TV-intervjuare med nära koppling till Tea Party- rörelsen

"But you have the neck to say to people like me who are willing to talk to people on each side who are willing to build peace, are in some way or another in favor of people that wants to murder jewish people. That is an outrageous statement! I am not antisemitic, I am not a murderer. And unlike you I make my profession in politics and I work for human rights and i condemn Hamas for sending rough rockets, not that any of that will matter to you, because, you know what you are. I mean, I wish you well. Keep drinking Guinness and keep ranting away, but don't suggest that those of us who are working for peace in the heat of the day are somehow interested in murdering jews.

There is a man in the United States, you know him. I thnk that you may have interviewed him - Mark B. Klein. He represents 14 jewish organizations in New York. He organized 45 members of the House of Representatives to sign a letter for condemning Barack Obama for giving Mary Robinson the Medal of Honour. Yeah, I was debating with him on a program rather like this. And I said - How can you conclude that Mary Robinson is antisemitic. Bishop Tutu for example... - And he said: - Bishop Tutu is antisemitic as well!

You are going down that road, and really - it is really very dangerous stuff. The fact of the matter is - look: Youngpeople from the United States are travelling all over the world again. They are welcome in Europe. They are back packers in hostels. People are talking to them, because the image of the united states that got away from this war mongering is getting better. At least 47 000 000 peaple that the likes of you condemn to no helth care in a country that I was proud to work in. These people are going to have some health care.

So this is the issue:

Be proud to be a decent american instead of just a wanker whipping up fear!"

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